Dr. Emmanuel Ruiz

Dr. Emmanuel Ruiz

Orthopedic Surgeon | Ced. Prof. 6070741 | Ced. Esp. 8556493

Especialista en Mano

Dr. Emmanuel Ruiz

Dr. Emmanuel Ruiz

Ced. Prof. 6070741
Ced. Esp. 8556493

Dr. Emmanuel Ruíz

I’m a hand trauma specialist in Monterrey. I graduated as a Surgeon at the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) in México. As part of my specialization, I received training in Traumatology and Orthopedics at the Christus Muguerza High Specialty Hospital, getting my degree by the Universidad of Monterrey.

I furthered my expertise as a Hand Surgeon at the Christine M Kleinert Institute, one of the most prominent centers for hand and microsurgery. Additionally, I’m a Hand and Reconstructive Surgeon accredited by the University of Louisville in Kentucky, USA. This makes me a globally recognized specialist in fingers and hands.

I’m also a member of national and international medical associations, including:

Currently, I provide complete hand health care, offering private consultations for examinations, diagnoses and treatments of hand and finger pathologies at the Hospitals of the Christus Muguerza Group. If you require any of my services, feel free to contact me and set an appointment.

Dr. Emmanuel Ruíz

El Dr. Emmanuel Ruiz es un especialista en Cirugía de la Mano con entrenamiento en el Christine M Kleinert Institute, uno de los centros más destacados y de clase mundial en cirugía de la mano.
Actualmente consulta en los hospitales del Grupo Christus Muguerza.

  • Médico Cirujano

  • Especialista en Ortopedia y Traumatología.

  • Especialidad en Cirugía de mano y microcirugía.

Dr. Emmanuel Ruíz

Especialista en Mano.
Comprometido con el cuidado integral para la salud de sus manos, con la finalidad de mejorar la calidad de vida de cada paciente.

  • Asociación Mexicana de Cirugía de Mano.

  • Sociedad Mexicana de Cirugía de Mano y Microcirugía.

  • American Society for the Surgery of the Hand.

Why you should choose Dr. Emmanuel Ruiz?

I have an extensive training as a surgeon in national and international institutes, enabling me to instruct aspiring doctors in the diagnosis and prosthetic treatment of the wrist. I’m a renowned specialist in hand fingers and one of the few Mexican doctors trained for the total replacement of the Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint (DRUJ) in the wrist. This unique procedure in the market aims to fully restore the loading and movement function of the wrist joint.